If you are thinking of making any type of external modification to the appearance (including painting) or structure of your house, driveway, mailbox or any other structure on your lot, you must submit an architectural review form (ARC).
Completed ARC forms can be emailed to info@floridaskylinemanagement.com
To ensure that your form reaches the Mallory Harbor property manager at Skyline Management, add "Mallory Harbor" along with your street address in the "Subject" line of your email.
For example, if you live at "123 MyAddress Drive", your email subject line would be:
Mallory Harbor - 123 MyAddress Drive
For further reference please also see the Mallory Harbor rules, regulations and covenants for more details. If you cannot find a reference to your specific project, please do not interpret this as implicit permission to proceed. Your are advised to attend a Mallory Harbor monthly meeting and review your project with any board member who will be happy to offer guidance.
Be aware - homeowners who make unauthorized modifications or use unapproved paint colors or roof tiles, stand the risk of fines and possibly being required to reverse the modification at the their own expense.
Mallory Harbor official color palette, for exterior color modifications. (Updated 12-2023)
Before resurfacing your driveway please submit an architectural review form so your project can be reviewed and approved.
If you are considering installing roof mounted solar panels, your contractor must secure the necessary city permits. In addition, the homeowner should ensure that such installation does not void any type of warranty that may exist on your existing roof. The solar panel contractor is advised to consult with the roofing company as necessary and appropriate to ensure that no existing warranty is voided.
Copyright © 2025 Mallory Harbor at Coral Bay Village Association - All Rights Reserved. Website issues email: webmaster@malloryharbor.com